P – F – RT4
Dane and Tia decided to work together to build a bench for their old school. Dana did most of the work. Record the amount of work each person did as a fraction. Represent each fraction as a visual.P – F – RT5
Ramona brought a bag of marbles to school. There were more than 10 marbles in the bag. The marbles were either red, blue, or green. What fraction of the marbles is red? What fraction of the marbles is blue? What fraction of the marbles is green? Order the colors from...P – F – RT6
Taylor brought a bag of crayons to school. There were more less than 12 crayons in the bag. The crayons were either green or blue. What fraction of the crayons are green? What fraction of the crayons are blue?P – F – RT7
Three friends participated in a trivia contest. Two of the friends tied with the most questions answered correctly. The third friend only answered a few questions correctly. Record a fraction for each friend and arrange them in ascending...Page 20 of 35