E – I – ID6
Some students use the school bus to go to and from school, while others walk or bike. There are fluctuations from day-to-day. How can we monitor these fluctuations without using larger numbers.P – M – RT6
Your class was challenged to create a mural for the school. The principal wanted the mural to have a perimeter of approximately 18 m. What could the lengths of the sides be? What is the perimeter?P – M – RT7
Your class was challenged to create a mural for the school. The principal wanted the mural to have a perimeter between 24 m and 30 m. What could the lengths of the sides be? What is the perimeter?P – M – RT8
Your class was challenged to create three different sized visuals. The principal wanted the three visuals to be arranged from the smallest perimeter to the largest perimeter. What could the lengths of the sides be? What is the...Page 1 of 36