E – M – ID3

Our school was selected as the site for the cross-country meet and has to decide on and plan how they would accommodate people wanting to attend.

E – M – ID4

There needs to be a new basketball space on the playground designated for primary students. We are being asked to come together and determine the best design so that basketballs won’t roll out of the area.

E – M – ID5

There is a discussion about revamping the playground to include designated play areas for younger students. What would such a space look like?

E – M – ID6

Our school is wanting to plant a garden. However, green space is limited at school. What is our best option for design?

E – M – OE4

Three side lengths of a five-sided polygon are 8 m, 12 m and 6 m. Draw a picture of the shape and label the lengths of the sides. What is the perimeter of the polygon?

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