E – MA – RT11
Brett and Jana are disagreeing about the measure and classification of an angle found at school. Brett insists it is an acute angle while Jana insists it is a different type of angle. What type of angle could Jana be insisting it is? How can both of them be confident...E – MA – WP11
Cyclists were complaining that the angle of the hill on a cycle course is too steep. The cyclists said that they wanted organizers to change guidelines in selecting routes. Particularly, cyclists wanted that the maximum angle of any hill on an identified course be...E – MA – OE13
Sketch an angle that may be challenging to estimate.E – MA – ID1
As part of the winter carnival, our school has decided to take students sledding. We want to find the best place to sled with safety and speed being two of our main considerations. What are we looking for in terms of a...Page 6 of 18