E – MDD – ID2

The playground needed many new pieces of equipment. The principal asked for a proposal outlining the equipment needed, the amount of each equipment, and the cost for this equipment.

E – MDD – OE15

The estimated quotient is 20. The dividend is a decimal number and the divisor is a single-digit whole number? What could the dividend and divisor be?

E – MDD – ID3

Our school offers a lunch program. As part of this program, we offer different types of milk and many food options. What does the school make from this offering?

E – MDD – OE16

The estimated quotient is 40. The dividend is a decimal number and the divisor is a single-digit whole number? What could the dividend and divisor be?

E – MDD – ID4

The librarian is ready to order books for the school, but wants to make sure that the books she orders is what students want. There is only a limited budget available.

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