E – I – ID6
Some students use the school bus to go to and from school, while others walk or bike. There are fluctuations from day-to-day. How can we monitor these fluctuations without using larger numbers.P – EC – RT6
You and your class are on a nature walk. You become interested in something you notice and make an estimate. This estimate is a large number. What size of referent would have made sense? Explain your thinking.P – EC – RT7
Two students were estimating the number of people on the playground. One student used a referent of 5 while another student used a referent of 20. How could both referents be appropriate? Explain your thinking.P – EC – RT8
When estimating a large number of people, Janie asked people to gather into groups of 10. What would Janie’s reasoning be for asking people to group? Could she have grouped them in other ways?Page 1 of 334