P – EC – RT10
Terry and Reid estimated the number of people in line for concert tickets. Terry used a referents of 10 while Reid used a referent of 20. They estimated the same number of people. How is this possible if they used different...P – EC – RT11
Jamie, Matty and Reid estimated how many balloons were at the party. Jamie used a referent of 10, Matty used a referent of 25 and Reid didn’t use a referent. All three of their estimates were very close. How could their estimates have been so close if they all...P – EC – ID1
Our school is raising money for the local food bank. Students and staff want to have a successful yard sale. The principal is looking for help in planning the sale. Specifically, the principal is wondering how many items would be best and how to organize the yard...P – EC – ID2
Our class is thinking of making small cards for random acts of kindness. We want to ensure that we have enough cards, but not too many so that there isn’t a lot of waste.Page 2 of 334