E – WN – RT11
The population of one Canadian city was tracked in 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2020. The population in 1990 was close to one million. The population of the city went up and down through over the thirty-years. What was the population in 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2020. Arrange the...E – WN – ID1
The population of our country has seen considerable growth over the years; however, this growth hasn’t been consistent from year-to-year. Record the populations of our country in descending order. Explain your...E – WN – ID2
Students have been using YouTube videos to support classroom learning. The teacher wants us to create a rating scale based on the number of views.E – WN – ID3
The principal was having difficulty deciding which activities to do on Fun Day. Our teacher is looking to us to come up with a plan that is fair to everyone.Page 1 of 18