E – WN – ID2

Students have been using YouTube videos to support classroom learning. The teacher wants us to create a rating scale based on the number of views.

E – WN – ID3

The principal was having difficulty deciding which activities to do on Fun Day. Our teacher is looking to us to come up with a plan that is fair to everyone.

E – WN – ID4

The manipulatives in the classroom are a mess. Students are being asked to help organize the manipulatives so that there is a clear inventory and organizational system.

E – WN – ID5

The school playground needed additional equipment. However, there was only a limited budget. How can we support the school in determining how to proceed with purchases?

E – WN – ID6

Our class was interested in examining popular culture. We were want to focus in on the topics that seem to be most popular on YouTube and how the popularity varies.

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