E – ASW – ID1

Our class has been challenged to create the breakfast menu for an upcoming week of school. As part of this challenge, we must decide on the menu and determine the cost of ingredients.

E – ASW – ID2

We can finally go on a field trip. Where should we go and what will it take to get there?

E – ASW – ID3

We have to start planning an open house for our school. Our principal wants to know the cost of such an event and would love to have input from everyone in making this decision.

E – ASW – ID4

We are responsible for making gift bags for the school’s sporting events. We need to determine how many of each item to purchase so that we can have enough supplies for each gift bag.

E – ASW – ID5

We are responsible for the school’s milk program for one month of the school year. Our task is to be efficient when ordering so we don’t have a lot of waste.

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