K – PN – ID2

A class couldn’t decide which activities to do on Fun Day. Their teacher wanted to make a decision that would be fair to everyone, so he came up with a plan.

K – PN – ID3

The manipulatives in the classroom are a mess. Students are being asked to help organize the manipulatives so that there is a clear inventory and organizational system.

K – PN – ID4

We have a lunch program at school that offers different foods and two kinds of milk. The teacher wanted a system to organize the milk orders and to represent how many are ordering milk.

K – PN – ID5

The class was planning a celebration as they met their reading goal. They decided to have gift bags to be given to attendees. How will you organize the bags so that they will be given out at different centers in the...

K – PN – ID6

The school needed to organize their school buses between elementary classes and primary classes. How can you support the principal in making this decision?

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