E – F – RT4

The teacher recorded a variety of numbers onto the whiteboard. There was a whole number, a few improper fractions, and around four mixed numbers. Arrange these numbers in descending order?

E – F – RT5

During a classroom challenge, you were asked to arrange some improper fractions, a whole number and three mixed numbers in ascending order. Show your work.

E – F – RT6

A group of six students were chosen to create posters during art club. At the end of art club, many students were still in the middle of working on a poster. The teacher asked students to record their progress as a proper fraction if they made less than one poster,...

E – F – RT7

Marc, Jan and Bev were part of a book club during summer. Marc read 3 and 1/2 books, Jan read a bit less than Marc and Bev read a lot more than both of them. Record the number of books each read as a fraction. Place on a number...

E – F – RT8

The last question on you quiz required you to make improper fraction, improper fraction and mixed number. You could only use the digits 0-9 one time in making all three numbers. Each of the three numbers had to have at least one odd and one even digit. What was the...

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