E – F – RT10
Mandy shared some improper fractions and some mixed numbers with you. She challenged you to place these numbers on a number line. What do you notice?E – F – RT11
Dane and Tia decided to work together to build benches for their old school. Dana completed two benches and was working on the third when she finished. Tia completed three benches and was working on the fourth when she finished. Record an improper fraction for each...E – DN – RT9
The school fundraised a lot of money for three local charities. There was about $4450 in paper money and a less than one dollar in coins. If the school is making three donations with this money, how much will be given to each...E – DN – RT10
Students were looking at the the amount of water dispensed through the water filling station. The water filling stations measured the amount of water bottles saved through using the station. The first station recorded 1749.4 bottles, the second station recorded 2352.2...Page 35 of 90