P – CC – RT10
Two students wanted to skip count backwards from 1000. Each student decided to skip count by a different number. They noticed that while they said a few numbers the same, their counting sequence was not the same. What number could each student have skip counted by?...P – CC – RT11
Three students wanted to skip count between the numbers 200 and 500. Each student decided to skip count by a different number. They noticed that while they said a few numbers the same, their counting sequence was not the same. What number could each student have skip...P – IDP – RT10
A student identified a repeating pattern when looking around the classroom. Represent this pattern using both letters and shapes.P – IDP – RT11
The teacher shared a repeating pattern consisting of three elements. Represent this pattern using letters. After you shared this with the class, the teacher asked if you could introduce a fourth element into this repeating pattern. Represent this new repeating pattern...Page 57 of 90