P – IDP – RT4
The art class wanted to make a border for the school welcome sign. They decided to use three different shapes in the border. If they went with a repeating pattern design, how could it be represented in letters?P – IDP – RT5
The teacher challenged his students to create a repeating pattern that he had to solve. The sixth term in the pattern was a square. What could the repeating pattern be?P – IDP – RT6
The teacher challenged his students to create an increasing or decreasing pattern that he had to solve. The sixth term in the pattern had to be a number less than 20. What could the pattern be?P – M – RT6
Your class was challenged to create a mural for the school. The principal wanted the mural to have a perimeter of approximately 18 m. What could the lengths of the sides be? What is the perimeter?Page 59 of 90