P – MC – RT10

Three students were chatting about the money they had in their pocket. All three students had different amounts and all three students had paper money and coins. How much did each student have, and what paper money and coins did they...

P – MC – RT11

Three students were chatting about the money they had in their pocket. All three had the same amount. One student only had paper money, while the other two students had both paper money and coins. How much did each student have, and what paper money and coins did they...

P – MC – RT1

Your school just had hat day. Students could bring in a donation if they wanted to wear a hat in class. There was a lot of paper money and coins donated. What bills and coins were donated, and what is the total?

P – MC – RT2

On your way to school, you notice that you have a collection of coins in your pocket. There are nickels, dimes, and quarters. You have around one dollar. What coins could you have?

P – MC – RT3

When you were counting all your coins, many of them fell off the table. You grabbed a handful of coins off the floor. What coins did you grab and what is the dollar value of these coins?

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