P – MC – RT5
Two friends say that they have the same amount of money in their pocket. Can both friends have the same amount of money if one has a lot of bills in his pocket and one doesn’t have many bills in his pocket? Explain your...P – MC – RT6
Two friends say that they have a different amount of money in their pocket. Can both friends have a different amount of money if they both have the same amount of bills in their pockets? Explain your thinking.P – MC – RT7
Two friends say that they have different amounts of money in their pocket but they each have the same number of coins. Can both friends have different amounts of money in their pockets but the same number of coins? Explain your...P – MC – RT8
Two friends say that they have the same amount of money in their pocket. Can both friends have the same amount of money if one has a lot of coins in her pocket and one doesn’t have many coins in her pocket? Explain your...Page 85 of 90