E – CT – ID5

Artists use a lot of different tools when creating a project. We need to buy more of these tools for our art club, but we know that we have limited space and we have a limited budget.

E – CT – ID6

We are going to raise money for different local charities. We have to determine a plan for fundraising, how much we will give each chartity and finalize a plan to record transactions.

E – CT – RT6

You saved money so that you could purchase gifts for your family. You have a about $2340. You purchase a lot of items in one transaction. Calculate the cost of the transaction.

E – CT – RT7

At the end of your trip to the mall, you make a transaction that includes the multiple items you buy. You pay using paper money and get change from the cashier. Explain your thinking.

E – CT – RT8

Your family is redoing their backyard space and have decided to purchase some items from the following table. You have a choice of purchasing different items or multiple of the same item. What items do you purchase and what is the estimated cost? Explain your...

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