E – I – RT2

The temperature of five cities were written as integers. Most were below 0. You were asked to place these five integers on an open number line. Four of these integers are close together on the number line. Draw the open number line and place the five integers...

E – I – RT1

The temperature of six random dates were written as integers. Some were above 0 and some below 0. You were asked to place these six integers on an open number line. Three of these integers are much closer to one side of the open number line than the other side and the...

E – F – RT1

Mark, Sally, and Scott volunteered to clean rooms after the hotel closed. Each of the three said that they cleaned the most rooms. When the manager checked the rooms, he noticed that Scott and Sally were close in the number of rooms they each cleaned, and both cleaned...

E – F – RT2

Gino shared a whole number, some improper fractions, and a few mixed numbers with you. He challenged you to arrange the numbers in ascending order. What do you notice?

E – F – RT3

Bobbi recorded a variety of numbers onto the whiteboard. There was one whole number, a few improper fractions, and less than five mixed numbers. When you place these on a number line, you notice that many of the numbers appear to be at one end of it. What could the...

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