P – MD – RT2

There are some cars parked outside the school. If you were to count the number of wheels, how many would there be?

P – MD – RT3

A group of children liked to collect things. Each child had the same amount of hockey cards in their collection. How many hockey cards were there altogether?

P – MD – RT4

While preparing for a party, Marty purchased several balloons. If Marty wants each person to get the same number of balloons, how many will each receive?

P – MD – RT5

There were four vans booked to take a group of children to their hockey game. If each van held the same number of children, how many children went to the game and how many were in each van?

P – MD – RT6

There were a number of vans booked to take children to the museum. If each van held the same number of children, how many children went to the museum and how many were in each van?

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