E – MA – WP10
There needed to be a divided placed between the playground and work area. The project manager said that the barrier needed to be 80°. Draw and classify the angle needed for this barrier.E – MA – WP11
Cyclists were complaining that the angle of the hill on a cycle course is too steep. The cyclists said that they wanted organizers to change guidelines in selecting routes. Particularly, cyclists wanted that the maximum angle of any hill on an identified course be...E – MA – WP12
Downhill skiers want to convince organizers to change guidelines in selecting mountains to use as competition sites. Particularly, the skiers were arguing that the last few competition sites were too flat. Skiers wanted the championships to be held at mountains that...E – MA – WP13
A person was designing their new cottage. She initially wanted the roof to have a 40° angle but was thinking about changing it to a 65° angle. Draw these two angles.Page 18 of 107