P – MC – WP12

When at the store, Danny was asked to make change for $50. How many $5 bills would Danny need to get for his $50 bill?

P – MC – WP13

When at the store, Mel was asked to make change for $100. How many $20 bills would Mel need to get for her $100 bill?

P – MC – WP14

David said that he had $80 in paper money. He then mentioned that he had four 5 bills to make this amount. What bills did David have and how many of each?

P – MC – WP1

Josh bought a new book for the cost of $35. Josh wants to pay in cash without getting change back. What combination of paper money could Josh use to do this?

P – MC – WP2

Blair bought a new hockey stick for $95. Blair wants to pay in cash without getting change back. What combination of paper money could Blair use to do this?

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