K – CN – WP1

Four students brought books to school. Five students brought pictures to school. Were there more students bringing books or pictures to school?

K – CN – WP2

There are 4 red blocks and 3 yellow blocks on the table. Are there more red or yellow blocks on the table?

K – PN – WP1

Students found three frisbees to play with during recess. If there needs to be five frisbees for the game, how many more frisbees do the students need?

K – PN – WP2

Students had four basketballs. If they needs six basketballs for the game, how many more basketballs do the students need?

K – PN – WP3

There are eight linking cubes on the floor. Four of the linking cubes are yellow. The other linking cubes on the floor are blue. How many blue linking cubes are on the floor?

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