P – M – WP3

A square bulletin board was put up outside of the local art studio. What is the perimeter of this bulletin board if the width is 125 cm?

P – M – WP4

Community members are building a dog park. This space will be four-sided and has a perimeter of 208 m. If three of the side lengths are 54 m, 50 m and 54 m, what is the length of the fourth side?

P – M – WP5

The school designed a new play area for students. The space was quite large as there were many students wanting to play in it. The rectangular play area has a length of 78 meters and a width of 36 meters. What is the perimeter of this play...

P – M – WP6

Charli wanted to mail a picture to a friend. When at the post office, Charli was told that he could only mail a picture if it had a length less than 8 cm. The rectangular picture had a perimeter of 28 cm and a width of 7 cm? Can Charli mail the picture? Explain your...

P – M – WP7

Sean wanted to mail a picture to a friend. When at the post office, Sean was told that he could only mail a picture if it had a perimeter less than 30 cm. The rectangular picture had a perimeter of length of 9 cm and a width of 7 cm? Can Sean mail the picture? Explain...

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