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Using Exit Tickets to Spark Recall: Applying a Science of Learning Perspective to Instruction
Exit tickets typically consist of one or two questions designed to give teachers a quick gauge of student learning. And, for this reason, many people tend to think of exit tickets as being...
Interactive Slides – Math – Number & Measurement
Based on feedback I have received on previous posts, I have decided to craft new interactive Google Slides that teachers could use to support math instruction and learning. These slides can be...

Daily Cumulative Review
Math Warm-Up There are days when teaching and learning feel like two very unrelated activities. And, even when the students seem to really get it, they don’t seem to have it the next day or the following week. We can fix this. We need to ensure we teach in a way that...

Daily Cumulative Review
Math Warm-Up There are days when teaching and learning feel like two very unrelated activities. And, even when the students seem to really get it, they don’t seem to have it the next day or the following week. We can fix this. We need to ensure we teach in a way that...
Stay Up to Date
Using Exit Tickets to Spark Recall: Applying a Science of Learning Perspective to Instruction
Exit tickets typically consist of one or two questions designed to give teachers a quick gauge of student learning. And, for this reason, many people tend to think of exit tickets as being...
Interactive Slides – Math – Number & Measurement
Based on feedback I have received on previous posts, I have decided to craft new interactive Google Slides that teachers could use to support math instruction and learning. These slides can be...
Retrieval Practice: What You Need to Know for a Successful September Start-Up
Much of this is based/taken from Making Math Stick: Classroom Strategies that Support the Long-Term Understanding of Math Concepts What a year! The...
What Students Think The Point Of Math Is?
Think about this year. Well, think about each year you have been in the classroom. We spend countless hours, evenings, and weekends considering...
Hitting The Wall – Instructional Strategies To Make It Through June
What a year! It is safe to say that the 2020 – 2021 school year has been one of endurance, stress, successes, problem solving, frustration, and...